Political unrest, grave human injustice and the non-responsive attitude of governments to the demands of the people have always produced innovative ways of punishment. Masses take to the streets to...
“Are you getting enough vitamins?” For the vast majority of people, the inevitable answer to this question is ‘hell no’...Data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) shows that...
Choosing the best actors of the 21st century is no easy task but that’s what we are doing this week. We are taking a look at some of the best...
Twenty-five international staff employed by UNRWA, the UN agency caring for Palestinian refugees, left East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza last week after Israel imposed a ban on the...
Writer/Editor/Consultant. She has over 25 years of experience in the fields of environmental journalism and publishing.
Fatima has always been passionate about mental health. She has a Bachelors in International Studies with a minor in Psychology. She joined the With Hope UAE volunteer group in 2019 and she is currently head of communications.
The author, a well-respected observer of Middle East affairs, has three books on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Western Balkans including Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, are paying the price for air pollutions caused by the excessive dependence on coal mining and coal-fired power plants through serious illnesses...
Undocumented immigrants vacation
Air crash
It’s good news that a killer got life in custody sentence from a UK court for murdering three young girls in a frenzied stabbing spree on their summer dance class...
Bollywood, one of the most-loved film industries in the world, has gifted numbers of blockbuster movies, which remain lovable for the rest of the...
The world has to take climate change seriously before it goes out of control. Slowly and gradually, climate change is gripping the world with...
Yet another disturbing statement from President Trump, “We’re looking to do a deal with Ukraine, where they’re going to secure what we’re giving them with their rare earths and other...
I am excited for the Ninth Al Warraqeen Used Book Festival, which started on Wednesday. A 5-day event is taking place at Palm Park on the shores of Khalid Lake...
The “Come Closer” campaign launched by Mleiha National Park will definitely draw attention of the residents and guests from all over the world as it is a cornerstone of Sharjah’s...
There is no doubt the United Arab Emirates is the top global destination for winter tourism. Guests from different parts of the world always keep the UAE on the top...