Hurdles of travelling - GulfToday

Hurdles of travelling


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There have been a lot of furore and altercations we see these days when we want to travel to any destination. Seeing is believing and we all can see it on various social media platforms. Now one has to take a sigh when hopping onto an aircraft as we never know who the bad culprit is ready to take a challenge on other passengers. I see too many scuffles, physical assaults, and derogatory language used on flights. Most of us are travelling to reach our terminus safely and some would not even fuss about paying extra just to doze off after those long hours of work. Having said that there are many passengers with various mindsets which include a staggering fear of flying causing stress, anxiety, and even headache, and then come the cries of little infants.

Some behave as if the plane is all theirs and for no reason other innocent passengers have to end up being the victim for nothing. Instas and Facebook are filled with media clips of people who even use the flights to showcase their hidden forte. What’s worst is when the crew members cannot resolve disputes amicably.  Passengers cribbing about inflight services, personal hygiene issues, weight issues, overweight passengers, seat issues, AC not working, flight delays, and no space in the overhead compartment, asking to give up their seat for someone – all this seen in this day and age, unfortunately. Lack of patience and humanity is something that is diminishing among us. I reckon what is going to happen to me during my upcoming holidays when I travel in September for my holidays and because of us, I am trying to opt for the best inflight service flying with a reasonable budget airline.

Whether it’s a domestic or international or long haul flight at times we need to keep our mouths sealed and just loosen up instead of creating a fuss, causing hurdles in the flight which in turn delays the departure flow. All this boils down to poor social etiquette.

Stick to what the flight attendant serves you and wait to crack into your stash until you get to your destination. Remember not to discomfort your fellow passengers.

Mathew Litty — Dubai

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