Dubai Electronic Security Center unveils protocol - GulfToday

Dubai Electronic Security Center unveils protocol


The Dubai Electronic Security Center called for government entities to prioritise accredited companies when selecting service providers in this crucial field.

Jamil Khan, Senior Reporter

The Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) proudly introduces the first wave of accredited cybersecurity service providers under the distinguished "Dubai Cyber Force" initiative launched by DESC to ensure the quality and efficiency of services provided to government entities in Dubai.

This significant revelation unfolded during a workshop orchestrated by the center in collaboration with various government and semi-government entities earlier this January, where discussions delved into updates regarding Dubai's cybersecurity strategy and its associated initiatives.

It emphasised certified accreditations for both individuals and companies engaged in penetration testing and responding to cybersecurity incidents. Participants were also acquainted with the center's initiative to accredit companies providing cybersecurity services to the Dubai government.

The Dubai Electronic Security Center called for government entities to prioritize accredited companies when selecting service providers in this crucial field.

The applied standard, known as the "Dubai Cyber Force," is rooted in scientific and practical principles drawn from global experiences, making it a pioneering initiative. In this context, Amer Sharaf, the CEO of the Cybersecurity Systems and Services Sector at the Dubai Electronic Security Center, said, "Governance based on global best practices is pivotal in keeping pace with the rapid developments brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its associated digital transformations. Cybersecurity plays an exceptionally vital role in enhancing the efficiency and quality of digital operations. While Dubai serves as a global model for dynamic, growth-oriented digital cities, cybersecurity introduces elements of flexibility, trust, and enhances investment attractiveness and entrepreneurship."

Highlighting the significance of committing to accredited companies, Sharaf added, "The Dubai Cyber Force is a pioneering initiative and a globally recognised benchmark for delivering cybersecurity services. It aligns with the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to make Dubai the safest digital city. Aligned with Dubai's cybersecurity strategy, this initiative combines the latest global measures to comprehensively protect the cyber space with Dubai's specificities and its leadership in innovation and integration."

The Dubai Electronic Security Center had formalised a memorandum of understanding with "Crest International," a non-profit international organization specializing in the cybersecurity sector, in March 2023.

They unveiled the Dubai Cyber Force as one of the flagship initiatives during the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference "GISEC Global 2023," aiming to regulate the interaction between government and semi-government entities and cybersecurity service providers.

The agreement is designed to support the realization of Dubai's cybersecurity strategic goals by ensuring the quality of work from companies and individuals providing cybersecurity services to government entities. "Crest International" will grant official recognition in this domain as a globally reputable and dependable entity.

The agreement underscores "Crest International's" commitment to a stringent approach in verifying the skills and competencies of individuals and companies offering cybersecurity services to the Dubai Government through its extensive network of over 300 qualified entities.

The Dubai Electronic Security Center emphasizes that individuals and institutions are invited to apply for registration in the "Dubai Cyber Force" program to obtain accreditation for providing cybersecurity services in Dubai.

The registration process includes three categories: member companies of Crest looking to register their employees, individuals seeking Crest testing as part of the "Dubai Cyber Force" program, and individuals not affiliated with any Crest member company can begin by visiting the dedicated Cyber Force webpage to review certifications and requirements. Government entities in Dubai interested in gaining further insights into the program can reach out directly to the Dubai Electronic Security Center.


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