Mohamed Ibrahim, Staff Reporter
The Emirates Schools Establishment (Taaleem) approved the examination schedules for the end of the year 2020-2021, for 4-12 grades students of public and private schools applying the ministerial curriculum.
According to Taaleem exams will kick off next June 8, and an experimental test will be conducted in selected materials for students of grades 4-12, during 23-27 May 2021, to get students accustomed to the testing environment, and to ensure they have activated their accounts without obstacles.
Taaleem pointed out that the final exams will be held on 8-17 June, and 12th grade students must sit for them in class, and that exams will focus on group A subjects, and on what has been taught during the third semester.
Students of grades 4-11 will have exams remotely while students who were absent with an excuse or who have technical problems will have substitutive exam in group A subjects, on 20-24 June 2021.