Gulf Today Report
With its lush landscape,distinctive trees, unique animals and turquoise waters home to dolphins, Yemen is hoping its Socotra archipelago will become a dream destination despite the country's conflict.
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Lying in the Indian Ocean some 200 kilometres (120 miles) off the Yemeni coast, the four islands and two rocky islets are home to some 50,000 people and have remained relatively untouched by the war that has devastated the mainland.
  A view of Desert rose plants growing on Di-Hamri mountain in the Yemeni island. AFP
Adenturous travellers are showing a growing interest in visiting Socotra.
Many set off from the United Arab Emirates, which is close to the authorities that control the islands.
"Fortunately, Socotra has never been affected by the war dynamics of the Yemeni mainland," local travel agency Welcome to Socotra told AFP.
 A view of Dragon's blood trees at the top of Dixam mountain. AFP
"No tensions or fights have ever been reported, hence there is no reason for tourists to worry."
Since flights resumed with a chartered Air Arabia aircraft once a week from Abu Dhabi, the agency has received "hundreds" of requests, it said.
Yemen has for years been trying to develop the archipelago into a hub for ecotourism.
 An aerial view of a boat moored off Shoab beach. AFP
But despite the reassuring words and the lure of the pure white beaches, Socotra hit the headlines in June 2020.
Socotra is located just 250 kilometres (155 miles) from the Horn of Africa, and 1,000 kilometres from the southern city of Aden where Yemen's government is based.
 An aerial view of Shoab beach in the Yemeni Island of Socotra. AFP
It is famed for its unique biodiversity: nearly one-third of its 825 plants and 90 per cent of its reptile species are considered unique to the island, according to the UN's cultural agency Unesco.
 Cows grazing atop Hajhir mountain. AFP
The unique and spectacular vegetation, such as the Dragon's Blood Tree with its distinctive umbrella-shaped canopy and red sap, has earned it a listing as a World Heritage Site.
"Socotra is of particular importance to the Horn of Africa's biodiversity hotspot," Unesco says on its website.