What is heatstroke, what are the symptoms and how can it be treated? - GulfToday

What is heatstroke, what are the symptoms and how can it be treated?

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Gulf Today Report

Heatstroke, otherwise known as sunstroke, occurs when a person's body temperature has become overheated to a harmful degree.

An individual may develop heatstroke if they've been suffering from heat exhaustion.

When a person spends too much time in the sun or in hot temperatures, they may become too dehydrated.


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At this point, they may stop sweating, which means their body will no longer be able to cool itself down. This can result in them developing heatstroke.

If an individual experiencing heat exhaustion is able to cool down within 30 minutes, then their health shouldn't be at serious risk.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include experiencing a headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, excessive sweating, cramping, an increased heart rate, a temperature of 38C or above and feeling very thirsty.

Adults and children who experience heat exhaustion tend to exhibit similar symptoms. However, children may also appear sleepy.

If a person displaying these signs hasn't improved within 30 minutes, then their condition may have developed into heatstroke.

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Symptoms of heatstroke include lack of sweat even if they feel very hot, a temperature of 40C or above, shortness of breath, confusion, experiencing a seizure, losing consciousness and becoming unresponsive.

How can you help someone experiencing heatstroke?

If you spot that someone may be suffering from heat exhaustion, then they should be moved to a cool environment.

You should do all that you can to help them cool down, including ensuring that they drink lots of water, cooling their skin with a spray or sponge and having them lie down with their feet slightly raised.

If they haven't improved in 30 minutes and you believe they may have developed heatstroke, then an ambulance should be.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, try to cool them down by either wrapping them in a cold wet sheet or sponging them down.

If their temperature appears to go back to normal, then replace the wet sheet with a dry one.

As you wait for the arrival of a paramedic, keep checking their breathing, pulse and level of response.

If at any point they become unresponsive, then you must check their breathing and ensure their airway is open.

How can heatstroke be prevented?

There are certain measures you can take to prevent heat exhaustion and heatstroke in hot temperatures.

These include drinking lots of cold drinks, bathing in cool water, wearing loose clothing and avoiding the sun during peak sun hours.

The researcher advises keeping a close eye on those who may be more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heatstroke, including children, older individuals and those who have long-term health conditions.

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