World Kidney Day: How to control diabetes while on dialysis - GulfToday

World Kidney Day: How to control diabetes while on dialysis


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World Kidney Day is observed on March 12 every year and the theme for this year is "Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere", which aims at preventing, detection and equitable access to care.


Lalit Kumar Agarwal, Medical Director, NephroPlus Dialysis center at Health Point Hospital, Kolkata shares some in depth tips that help individual control diabetes while on dialysis.


Dialysis patients with diabetes- control measures


Diabetes is the most significant cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The rise in the number of diabetic patients in India directly correlates with the increase in the number of kidney disease patients.


It is imperative to take care of Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes to maintain good health while on dialysis. Keeping a check on blood sugar levels, eating a well-balanced diet and exercising are a few tips that you must have heard from your dialysis technician.


Diet tips:


Three meals a day is a must which will help in preventing the blood sugar from going too high or too low


Maintain a healthy range for your daily calorie count.


Avoid foods high in calories


Opt for non-processed foods such as grains, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy and lean meats


Eat low-potassium fruits and vegetables that will add fiber to your diet


Physical activity tips:


Maintain proper weight by exercising daily


If obese, weight should be reduced


Include aerobic & resistance training which will help in lowering blood sugar and keep blood glucose within a normal range


Medicine tips:


Check your blood sugar regularly


Take your medicine as recommended by your doctor


Frequently monitoring your blood glucose on dialysis days, mainly before you begin your dialysis treatment


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