IFBB Fitness and Bodybuilding Sports Academy Dubai approves plan for 2024 - GulfToday

IFBB Fitness and Bodybuilding Sports Academy Dubai approves plan for 2024


Abdulkarim Mohamed Saeed, Rafael Santonja, IFBB president, Walid Abdul Karim, Dr Wesam Abdul Karim and Captain Mohammed Abdul Karim pose for a picture.

The Board of Directors of the IFBB Fitness and Bodybuilding Sports Academy in the UAE and the Middle East has approved its courses for the year 2024.

The academy will offer 48 courses for different levels and will be held in the UAE and other countries.

The upcoming courses will include theoretical and practical lectures in the field of movement science in endurance training, sports nutrition and dietary supplements. These courses will also shed light on the dangers of steroids and their alternatives.

Additionally, modern training programmes and methods in weightlifting, sports injuries, how to prevent them, and physical fitness training science will be included. There will also be a master's programme for international fitness and bodybuilding trainers.

This decision was made during the regular meeting of the academy's Board of Directors.

Retired Colonel Abdulkarim Mohamed Saeed, chairman of the IFBB Fitness and Bodybuilding Sports Academy, stressed that the upcoming courses will witness qualitative additions to the lectures after the academy received new books from the International Federation of Fitness and Bodybuilding, in accordance with approved updates.

He emphasised on the importance of the pivotal role that sports culture enhances in developing the achievements as this has great importance in updating training methods according to the internationally approved scientific specifications. He also urged for investing of this importance in these courses and programmes that will be offered to trainers, administrators, and athletes in the plan for the year 2024.

Engineer Walid Abdul Karim said that the academy is keeping pace with the rapid development in training methods around the world and is keen to provide the best new scientific studies and research from the International Federation to be within the reach of its members, especially those related to dietary supplements, methods and ways of using them, and the need for them.

He revealed that the next course will be about sports nutrition on Jan.27 and 28.

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