VIDEO: Fight breaks out after match between Shamil Musaev and Uros Jurisic - GulfToday

VIDEO: Fight breaks out after match between Shamil Musaev and Uros Jurisic


Security guards separate team members at the arena in Lodz.

Gulf Today Report

A fight broke out between the Russian fighter Shamil Musaev and the Slovenian Uros Jurisic after their match that brought them together at KSW 58 in the Polish city of Lodz.

Uros Jurisic and his team protested the referees' decision to let the Russian win after a level match between them, and soon a quarrel broke out between the fighters. Security men intervened to break the clash between them and the members of the two teams.

The Russian TASS agency quoted the Russian fighter's trainer, as saying that the quarrel arose because of the Slovenian fighter's assault on one of his team members, and then Musaev dropped him on the ground of the ring after he uttered an insulting phrase to Muslims.

With the bout, Shamil Musaev achieved his 14th victory in his professional career without suffering any defeat, while Uros Juricic suffered the bitterness of the first defeat in his professional career after 11 victories.

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