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The foreign secretary, who will replace Boris Johnson as PM on Tuesday, walked past her rival without acknowledging him on her way to give her victory speech
From the never-ending Brexit shambles to politicians being unable to put party squabbles aside long enough to actually govern the country, the future looks bleak ahead of the general election.
President Trump isn’t the only senior US official supporting Boris Johnson’s re-election. Not by a long shot. While Trump lauds Johnson for his Brexit stance and his presumption
According to ancient custom, newly elected speakers of the House of Commons are dragged from the backbenches up to the speaker’s chair. It is a tradition which is believed
Maybe one day, when this lousy Brexit war is over, Nigel Farage will get himself a few gigs on reality TV. After all, as he told Andrew Marr, he doesn’t actually want to be
To the Liberal Democrat campaign launch, then, in a small room all of 50 yards away from the House of Commons. Britain’s third party has been through a radical reinvention
When he assumed the American presidency, John F Kennedy declared that the torch had been passed to a new generation. It was a phrase that struck a chord around the world
Stuff can happen in election campaigns, and the Labour leadership contest is not yet at the halfway point — but Keir Starmer is in a strong position and party members start voting
In the old days, winning an election by a landslide meant trouble ahead. Clement Attlee won a 146-seat majority in 1945. Five years later, it was gone. His majority cut to five,
When the time comes for historians to reflect upon the Brexit epic, they won’t only struggle to define the end date — what Boris Johnson calls “getting Brexit done” — but also