After those vigorous days of hard work toiled, we ring in to the new year embraced with a lot of warmth. Another 365 days who knows, straddling excitement, joy, fun, challenges with ups and downs. I am certain many of us would love to only hear what’s intriguing.
It gives another feel as we all had to bid adios to 2024 when the countdown started. I had advice by many to do something exclusive which I thought is a good idea.
A change in everyone’s life does make an enormous difference so instead of complying with writeups, why not do some video shots as there are many in love with my dialect although at times it sounds a little to the point, straightforward and witty too with some sarcasm in it.
Hoping this year what we all need is love, patience, compassion and time to give a helping hand to each other. A smirk and a warm greeting early morning to anyone you see create a big variance in one’s life. We might be faced with stressful situations and stressful people who give us stress but it’s the way we handle crisis and develop ourselves through such hurdles that counts. For this it’s imperative that we know who we are, discipline ourselves and think before we react. There is no short cut to victory. At times we might have to start from scratch. We make use of the time wisely and do what our heart says is right.
 Mathew Litty, Dubai