Important debate - GulfToday

Important debate

Trump Harris

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. File

The Sept. 10 debate on ABC News between the US presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Democratic opponent Kamala Harris, will be a huge challenge for the former US president, who survived an assassination attempt, for sure (“Trump and Harris to debate on ABC; Trump says he wants two more,” Aug.9, Gulf Today website).

According to the report, US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic opponent Kamala Harris will debate on Sept.10 on ABC, setting up the first face-to-face match-up between the rivals in what polls show is a close race.

Former President Donald Trump should keep in mind that he will face Kamala Harris not President Biden. Kamala Harris can prove herself lethal on Donald Trump during the debate and it will change the direction of the public vote in the coming general elections.

Alishah Kirmani, By email


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