Real heroes - GulfToday

Real heroes


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We have celebrated Eid in Sharjah. Long holiday and perfect weather allowed us to spend time in park. Parks in Sharjah were flooded with families and children. But I was amazed to see the cleanliness of the park. Sharjah Municipality workers were on their toes throughout day and night to keep the park clean. It was incredible. I really appreciate workers for constantly working hard to keep the city clean.

They work very hard throughout the year. I always make sure to thank them for their unconditional service. I have always found them very honest and dedicated.  Whether it is summer, winter, early morning or late evening, I have always found them working. I have never seen them sitting, chatting or resting.

I have got huge respect for them. It is they who make our Eid very special. They are our real hero. They deserve pat on their back. It is they who make every moment special. I also appreciate Sharjah Municipality for keeping them motivated. Their leadership deserve praise.  It would not have been possible without proper leadership.

Afzal Hussian, By email



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