Trump leads Biden by 10 points in general election poll - GulfToday

Trump leads Biden by 10 points in general election poll


Donald Trump

Gustaf Kilander, Ariana Baio, The Independent

A new poll shows ex-president Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden by 10 percentage points in the general election. The survey from The Washington Post and ABC News shows Trump at 52 per cent and Biden at 42 per cent — an increase from a Post-ABC survey in May that showed Trump at 49 per cent. Though current primary polls, including one from New Hampshire, show Biden leading Trump by six points, this new general election poll indicates that Trump remains as popular as ever with voters. The Post-ABC poll also found that US voters generally disapprove of Biden’s record as president especially when it comes to the economy and immigration.

Additionally, Biden’s age remains a problem for many who believe at 80 years old, he is too old to run again. Though 48 per cent of Americans perceive both Biden and Trump as too old to take office. A new poll shows ex-president Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden by 10 percentage points in the general election.

The survey from The Washington Post and ABC News shows Trump at 52 per cent and Biden at 42 per cent – an increase from a Post-ABC survey in May that showed Trump at 49 per cent. Though current primary polls, including one from New Hampshire, show Biden leading Trump by six points, this new general election poll indicates that Trump remains as popular as ever with voters. The Post-ABC poll also found that US voters generally disapprove of Biden’s record as president especially when it comes to the economy and immigration. Additionally, Biden’s age remains a problem for many who believe at 80 years old, he is too old to run again. Though 48 per cent of Americans perceive both Biden and Trump as too old to take office. According to the survey of 2,107 Granite State voters by CNN and the University of New Hampshire Survey Centre, Biden tops former president Donald Trump among voters there by a margin of 52 per cent to 40 per cent.

Biden also holds a commanding lead among primary voters there despite not being permitted to campaign there by Democratic Party rules which make next year’s South Carolina primary the party’s first official presidential contest. Among New Hampshire Democrats, Biden has support from 78 per cent of them, while his two declared Democratic primary opponents — author Marianne Williamson and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F Kennedy Jr — each poll in single digits. The president’s lead among primary voters in the Granite State stands in stark contrast to national poll, many of which show him tied with Trump or trailing by single-digit margins. A number of recent polls reveal that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is losing ground in the Republican primary.

The polls show DeSantis dropping both on the national level and in the early voting states. DeSantis received 10 per cent in the polls while former president Donald Trump got 39 per cent, while biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy got 13 per cent support, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley got 12 per cent, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie got 11 per cent. In Iowa, the first state to vote, a poll by Fox Business also published on Wednesday, put DeSantis in second place at 15 per cent support, while Trump was more than 30 points ahead. Ms Haley came in third at 11 per cent.

In South Carolina, a separate poll by Fox Business revealed that DeSantis was backed by 10 per cent and Trump by 46 per cent. Ms Haley, a former governor of the state, was at 18 per cent. On the national level, Mr DeSantis was at 12 per cent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll published last week. Trump was 50 points ahead on the national level.

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