Trust in Almighty - GulfToday

Trust in Almighty


Despite great scienctific progress, we still have no power to predict exact time or location of an earthquake.

Earthquake is a natural disaster and when it occurs, nobody or scientists have reached the level to predict the right time for it. But there is no doubt that scientists can predict after deep research that there is a possibility of an earthquake based on their studies (“Dutch scientist who predicted Turkey earthquake raises fears in Egypt,” Feb. 13, Gulf Today website).

According to the report, the Dutch earthquake researcher and scientist Frank Hogerbeets has stirred up controversy again.

After predicting the Turkish earthquake a few days before it occurred, he clarified in a new video his expectations for the coming period of earthquakes that Turkey or its neighbouring countries may witness. Despite the fact that the world has reached the next level in science, it still has no power to predict the exact time of the earthquake and has the ability to avoid it.

Dr. Sherif El-Hadi, head of the earthquake department at the Egyptian National Institute for Astronomical and Geophysical Research, responded to the Dutch researcher’s statements, stressing that there is no scientific evidence that an earthquake will occur in Egypt soon, just as there is no tool in the world that can predict the earthquake.

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins. I think people have to understand that scientists, like Frank Hogerbeets, share their studies and research about earthquakes.

There is no point in living your life with fear of a strong earthquake when you know nobody has the ability to stop a natural disaster.

Ishfaq Ahmed,
By email

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