Serious issue - GulfToday

Serious issue


Sashi Tharoor

Celebrated Indian author and Congress party leader Dr. Shashi Tharoor has urged the authorities in Kerala to address the problem of massive umemployment among the educated youth (“Address unemployment, Tharoor urges Kerala,” Jan.2, 2023, Gulf Today.) I completely agree with Dr. Tharoor’s view on this. Government should chalk out some plans to provide employment to educated youth. I feel education should be linked to jobs directly. Dr. Tharoor also said that Kerala is the only second state in unemployment after Jammu and Kashmir, which is indeed a cause for concern.  

He also said that 350,000 professional and technical job-seekers including 9,000 medical graduates had registered with the state’s employment exchange. I feel the Kerala Government should do something to manage this issue as early as possible. Kerala should take help from the Central Government. Together they can find a permanent solution. I think on some issues the state should consult the Central Government and the Centre should take note of such things on a priority basis.

Fathima Sultana,
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