Winter vibes - GulfToday

Winter vibes

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My wife already has her blanket on the bed. So try to reckon during winters. Time to get my winter wrappers and hoodies out after those long blistering summer months out here. Some of the stores are already decked up selling winter outfits and this reminisces me of Christmas.

As the weather is getting cooler it makes my daily regime more positive with a better pace to inhale and exhale. With cycling being my new activity I can feel the weather cool. But this is the time most of us end up with flu and cold as we tend to skip drinking plenty of water. Although we bid adios to COVID some of us still trek around wearing masks, especially during winters.

One of the best times for some of you who are paying an exorbitant amount of electricity to do some little saving at least. Luckily for me, the chillers are free.

For many of you, who want to cut down and lose this extra bulk use the winters for some brisk walk or anything physical and fun that will make a difference and boost your metabolism.

Winters I was waiting for you. So thrilled and chilled to see what you have in store. Please bring some snow or rain my way, preferably around Christmas, but I will be completely fine with whatever you decide on. You don’t know how truly, deeply madly I am in love with this weather.

I would love to see the rain so I can lay near the beach wet my feet and watch the seashores. (No offence to Fall, you are nice and all but please make up your mind on what season you are choosing to act like with me.

This is the time for flu that can go viral but I take my Vitamin supplements to boost my immunity with an abundance of creams and moisturizers to hydrate my skin.  So watch out and keep yourself hydrated.

Winter, you are by far my favourite, however, don’t tell the others. I enjoy your presence more than you know.

You seem to bring hush and relaxation to me. You are beautiful Winter, no matter what the others say. I will always be here waiting for you.

Let the real winters come and I will sing — “he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad.”  Let’s welcome our residence with a winter environment filled with joy, colour, and that winter aroma.

Mathew Litty,

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