Wrong roles - GulfToday

Wrong roles

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley

Sarah Taryam, Arts Editor

You have chosen a good movie to watch, it has had good reviews, you are looking forward to it, and as soon as you hit play you know that there is specific actor who is going to let you down. This week we are taking a look at actors and actresses whose acting skills raise serious questions despite the movie they are starring in having great reviews.

As soon as I say Keira Knightley, I am sure your memory goes back to 2002 when the romantic comedy “Bend it like Beckham” was released. Only 17-years-old when the movie came out, Knightley can be forgiven for what is described as her worst performance to date. She plays an amateur football player in the film directed by Gurinder Chadha. Her performances after that movie got better and she went on to get two Oscar nominations for her work.

In the child-abduction thriller “Prisoners,” Jake Gyllenhaal has been accused over-acting. The 2013 movie has an ensemble cast including Hugh Jackman, Viola Davis, Terrence Howard, Melissa Leo, and more. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, there is a marked difference in the way Gyllenhaal acts compared to his co-stars. Despite Gyllenhaal’s acting skills, the movie grossed $122 million worldwide and earned an Oscar nomination for best cinematography.

In other news this week, turn to our Fitness pages to read about how to keep fit in your senior years. There is no age limit to fitness and exercise as the firsthand accounts from real people will show you. From cardio to weightlifting to cycling, with care and effort, anyone can get fit.

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