Universal appeal - GulfToday

Universal appeal

Mexican migrants, crossing into the US, are whisked away by security personnel after their arrest.

Mexican migrants, crossing into the US, are whisked away by security personnel after their arrest.

We feel blessed to have been living in an advanced age of scientific development. Human beings have invented so much in this century that our life has become really easy. The best and the brightest brains of the world are constantly working to explore life on Moon, Mars and other planets. Scientists and researchers are working hard to innovate which can be of great help to humanity. We feel privileged to have been living in such a golden era.  But at the same time, we know that half of the global population is struggling to get food, shelter and medicine. Every day we get to read in the newspapers that across the world a huge number of people are struggling to get basic amenities.

The United Nations has an innumberable number of refugees and orphans around the world, and they are in a desperate situation. I feel why can’t the world be united for the biggest cause of humanity? Why can’t we all think like one family? If they can donate even one per cent of what they are trying in invest on their R & D, then the entire world will become a happier place for everyone. I think world leaders should chalk out a plan to help those in need, irrespective of nation, colour or region. We owe a lot to our fellow citizens. We should do something for them. It is our responsibility to think on these lines.   

Nazia Shireen,
By email

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