What food strengthens your bones? - GulfToday

What food strengthens your bones?

Abeer Majed Al Kusayer

Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Al Qassimi Hospital – Ministry of Health and Prevention

Food for bones

Image used for illustrative purpose only.

There is no specific food to strengthen bones, as bone strength depends on building strong bones from childhood and trying to maintain them throughout life. But some nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D may have a prominent role in promoting bone health. Calcium is important for the body to build strong bones and teeth and maintain them with age. It should be noted that if the body does not get enough calcium, it will take it from the bones to ensure cells function properly. This leads to osteoporosis and weakness. As for vitamin D it is also important for bone growth and health as it is necessary for calcium absorption and bone formation. Its deficiency may cause an increased risk of rickets at an early age and osteomalacia in children and adults. In addition, protein is an essential component of bone development and growth. Here are some of the foods that are necessary to maintain strong bones:

Foods that contain nutrients useful for bones:

Calcium-rich foods
As mentioned previously, calcium is one of the most important elements necessary for bones, and it is recommended to get it from food, and not to use nutritional supplements except when needed only and in low doses. This is because the body is able to absorb calcium in food better than from food supplements. Among the good sources of calcium are dairy products, some types of fish, oatmeal, other grains, tofu, and calcium-fortified foods such as cereal and orange juice.

Zinc-rich foods
Zinc is one of the minerals that the body needs in small quantities, and it helps build the mineral part of the bones. It promotes the formation of bone cells and reduces their breakage. You can get zinc from beef, shrimp, oysters, spinach, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Magnesium-rich foods
Magnesium plays a key role in converting vitamin D into its active form, which enhances calcium absorption. Green leafy vegetables, seeds, beans of all kinds, whole grains, dark chocolate, nuts, avocados, yogurt, and bananas are good sources of magnesium.

Foods rich in omega-3
The most important sources of omega-3 are fish and seafood, especially fatty fish that live in cold waters such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, and herring. Nuts and seeds such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts. Vegetable oils such as canola oil, flaxseed oil, and soybean oil. Fortified foods such as some types of eggs, juices, milk, yogurt, infant formula, and soy drinks.

Other examples of bone-friendly foods:
Citruses contain good levels of vitamin C, which helps reduce bone erosion. One grapefruit contains 88 milligrams of vitamin C, which is enough to cover the daily need.

Rhubarb contain a high percentage of calcium; one cup of it contains 350 milligrams of calcium, and it is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C, in addition to its low-calorie content, but it is usually cooked with added sugar, which gives it more calories.

Figs contain a group of vitamins and minerals necessary for bone health. One cup of cooked figs contains 180 milligrams of calcium, in addition to quantities of vitamin C and vitamin K. It should be noted that fresh figs are low in calories and rich in dietary fibre. Two fresh figs contain 24 milligrams of calcium, which it makes a good choice for a healthy diet.

Kiwi contains large amounts of magnesium and vitamin C, as well as some calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin K, which makes it a good choice for bone health. It has a sweet and delicious taste and a low-calorie content.

Tomato juice contains a high percentage of vitamins and minerals including magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, as well as a little calcium and vitamin K. It should be noted that fresh tomatoes are also good, but juice is more concentrated in beneficial nutrients.

Sweet red pepper is one of the foods that are good for the bones because of its high content of vitamin A and vitamin C in addition to a little vitamin K. It is also a good choice for any healthy diet. It is low in calorie and contains B vitamins and dietary fibre.

Molasses is a good source of calcium, unlike white sugar. One tablespoon contains 41 milligrams of calcium, and it can be used instead of honey with milk, oatmeal, or mixed with juices.

Dark leafy vegetables contain a high amount of calcium especially dark leafy vegetables such as bok choy, kale, cabbage leaves and turnip leaves. A cooked cup contains 200 milligrams of calcium, which covers 20 per cent of our daily need. Dark green leafy vegetables are also rich in vitamin K, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Photo: TNS

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