Does constipation cause gas? - GulfToday

Does constipation cause gas?

Abeer Majed Al Kusayer

Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Al Qassimi Hospital – Ministry of Health and Prevention


Photo used for illustrative purpose.

Gas is a digestive problem that causes embarrassment and pain, but what are the causes of gas? Does constipation cause gas?
The formation of gas is a normal part of the digestive system processes, but the increase in gas or the accompanying gas pain may result from many reasons, but does constipation cause gas? Gas may be produced for many reasons so many may wonder if constipation causes gas.

The answer is yes. As the gases result from feeding the bacteria in the colon on carbohydrates, such as: starches and fibres in the stool that have not been digested in the small intestine.

Constipation causes the colon to delay the emptying of stool, which gives a longer chance for bacteria in the colon to ferment the components of the stool, causing gas and an increased feeling of flatulence.

Many people may suffer from constipation without their knowledge because there is no change in bowel habits, as constipation may cause a change in the consistency of the stool or not feel that the colon is completely empty.

Other factors that cause gas:

1. The consumption of certain foods
Gas may result from the consumption of some foods, such as: foods rich in fibre, and these foods include legumes, whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
Both soft drinks and sugar substitutes, such as sorbitol and mannitol, may cause an increase in colon gas.

2. A food allergy
Gas may result from the inability of the intestines to digest and absorb some of the ingredients in food, such as lactose in dairy products or gluten in wheat and grain products.

3. The overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine
The presence of a certain number of bacteria in the intestine is healthy and normal, but the increased growth of these bacteria causes many problems, such as gas, diarrhea, and weight loss.

4. Gastroparesis
Gastroparesis causes a slowdown in the emptying of stomach contents, causing symptoms such as gas, nausea, and intestinal obstruction.

5. The presence of chronic
diseases of the intestine
Many chronic diseases cause gas, including irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and diverticulitis.

Ways to get rid of gas:
There are several home and medical methods through which to get rid of gases caused by constipation.

Home methods to get rid of gases
Among the home methods to get rid of gases, we mention the following:
- Low FODMAP Diet is the group of sugars in some foods that aren’t digested well in the small intestine, making them a suitable fuel for bacterial fermentation in the colon.

- Avoid swallowing air while eating, by eating slowly, not using a straw to drink juices, and avoiding chewing gum.
- Quit smoking, as smoking causes air to enter the digestive system, which leads to the formation of gases.
- Replace soft drinks with different types of herbal teas that help get rid of gas, such as anise tea and chamomile.
- Doing exercises that help relax the intestinal muscles and facilitating the exit of gases from the colon.

Medication methods to get rid of gases
Certain medications or supplements can be used to relieve gas from constipation, such as:
- Activated charcoal or simethicone pills that help get rid of gas.
- Probiotic supplements that reduce gas and bloating.
- Supplements containing alpha-galactosidase, which aid in the digestion of gas-causing foods.

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