Simple solution - GulfToday

Simple solution

Face Masks

Face masks have proved to be a key tool in battle against Coronavirus.

Today I went to the library to pick up a book, the John Bolton book “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir”. The library has been open since Monday as the COVID restrictions are eased but this was the first appointment time that I could get, for a twenty-minute visit as only ten are allowed in at any given time.

I had to wear a mask and provide proof of who I was, and hand sanitize before I got in. This may seem a bit extreme but our state of 5 million people has had no new cases or deaths for twelve days so it may be worth it.

I was annoyed to see a person trying to bypass this restriction, not really a capital crime and yet not wearing a mask could lead to people dying. There are also more people just carrying their mask rather than wearing it and a number of anti COVID restriction people who refuse to wear them and then complain when they are fined. For some it is just laziness but for some it is a conspiracy driven rebellion.

Like most I find the masks annoying but wear them as they are compulsory by law. In Victoria with 5 million people and masks being worn no new cases for almost two weeks.  In America with over 300 million people and masks often not being worn over 100,000 new cases a day.

I know it is a world of fake news, but this is simple - wear a mask and save lives - please.

Dennis Fitzgerald
Melbourne, Australia

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