UAE social media influencer falls off 19th floor balcony in Fujairah - GulfToday

UAE social media influencer falls off 19th floor balcony in Fujairah

Shanifa Babu poses for a photograph at her residence in Fujairah. File

Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

A 37-year-old Indian woman died after falling off a building in Fujairah, according to media reports.

The deceased has been identified as Shanifa Babu.

The accident happened on Sunday morning. The body was found lying in a pool of blood after falling from the 19th floor of a residential building near Fujairah St Mary's School.

Shanifa's husband is Sanuj Babu, a native of Thiruvananthapuram, who runs a construction company in Fujairah.

Shanifa left behind two daughters.

Shanifa has been an active social media influencer. She was often sharing trending fashion reels on Instagram.

Sanuj Babu wrote on Instagram, “My Wife left me today 8.30am living me alone and dying with my two angels ….May her soul rest in peace…Pray for her…”

Ananda Kumar K, State General Secretary, Kerala Congress M, wrote on Facebook, Mrs. Shanifa, wife of my dear friend Sanuj Babu, (Managing Director, Crescent Group concerns Fujairah) passed away today morning in Fujairah. Heartfelt condolences and Prayers.”

Sundaresh Menon said on Instagram, “Really feel shocked to hear the news of the untimely death of your beloved wife. Praying God... May her Soul rest in peace. May God also give you strength and courage to face this untimely loss.”

Sruthy Sreerag Nath said on Instagram,

“That’s shocking… My heartfelt condolences and prayers chetta. May chechi's soul rest in peace…”

The body was transferred to the Fujairah hospital mortuary. The Fujairah Police have launched an investigation into the incident.

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