Sheikh Sultan approves 1,000 residential units in Al Qutaina 3 and Al Shanof 4 of Sharjah - GulfToday

Sheikh Sultan approves 1,000 residential units in Al Qutaina 3 and Al Shanof 4 of Sharjah


Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi.

Jihan Shuaib, Gulf Today

His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, has approved requests for a thousand housing units for citizens in the Al Qutaina 3 and Al Shanof 4 complexes, which will be ready within two years.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Sultan instructed the authorities concerned to build a shaded market in the Mleiha in response to a female caller. He also responded to another female caller who had a problem with a federal entity and reassured her that he would interfere to resolve it.

The Sharjah Department of Housing plans to inform the beneficiaries accordingly via text messages at intervals this week. Sheikh Sultan approved the applications of 50 citizens to get ready-made government housing in Al Qutaina 1 residential complex in Mahdub suburb after completing their papers.

Messages to this effect will be sent to them and the houses will be ready within a year. He also instructed the department to count the number of defaulters in their housing projects and solve their problems.

This was announced by Eng. Khalid Bin Butti Al Muhairi, Head of Department of Housing, on the Direct Line programme, which is broadcast on Sharjah Broadcasting Authority.

The projects undertaken by the department included distribution of 223 houses in Al Saf Residential Complex project, he said, adding that the project began in Kalba with two residential complexes in Wadi Al Helo and the university neighbourhood.

There is a project in Al Bat’ha 1, while work is under way in the Al Kharous area, and 30 houses were approved in Al Hamriyah.

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