Tirmizi hails historic Pakistan-UAE ties, stresses tourism potential - GulfToday

Tirmizi hails historic Pakistan-UAE ties, stresses tourism potential


Faisal Niaz Tirmizi during the cake cutting ceremony to celebrate Pakistan's Independence Day in Dubai on Sunday.

Tanvir Usman, Gulf Today

In a gathering that celebrated Pakistan's Independence Day, Pakistan's Ambassador to the UAE, Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, paid glowing tribute to the enduring and historic relationship between the two nations.

The event, organised by the Pakistan Journalist Forum (PJF) – UAE, took place at the Pakistan Association Dubai, where Tirmizi underscored the close ties and potential for further collaboration.

Amidst a backdrop of cultural performances and patriotic fervour, Tirmizi took the podium to emphasise the deep-rooted bonds that have united Pakistan and the UAE over decades.

Reminiscing about the history of diplomatic relations, he highlighted how both nations had stood together during critical junctures, nurturing a connection that has remained robust.
Tirmizi-UAE-Pakistan PFJ-UAE members give shield to Faisal Tirmizi during the Independence Day ceremony in Dubai.

Addressing the media, Tirmizi praised the substantial contributions made by the Pakistani community to the UAE's development and progress.

He commended their hard work, dedication, and commitment to enhancing various sectors of the Emirati society, from healthcare to education and trade.

A notable aspect of Tirmizi's address was his focus on Pakistan's untapped tourism potential. He elaborated on the natural beauty and cultural diversity that the country offers, particularly in its northern regions. These areas, often referred to as the "Northern Areas," are known for their breathtaking landscapes, including majestic mountain ranges, serene lakes, and vibrant local traditions.

Drawing parallels between Pakistan's scenic wonders and the UAE's global allure, Tirmizi urged the media to play an active role in promoting Pakistani tourism to Emiratis and other foreigners residing in the UAE. With the UAE being a melting pot of over 200 nationalities, the ambassador believed that showcasing Pakistan's tourism opportunities could resonate with a diverse range of interests.

"Tourism is a low-hanging fruit which can contribute significantly to the Pakistani economy," Tirmizi stressed, highlighting the potential of the sector to create jobs and foster economic growth. He encouraged collaborations between governments, businesses, and media outlets to harness this potential effectively.

In a world increasingly interconnected, the UAE-Pakistan relationship stands as a testament to the power of diplomacy, cooperation, and the shared pursuit of progress.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s top singers Ali Zafar and Gul Parna enthralled the audience with their performances in Dubai. The event was organised to celebrate Pakistan’s Independence Day.

Pakistan Association Dubai is hosting several events to celebrate the mega occasion.

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