Two Emirati women check the Emiratisation statistics on a mobile phone.
Gulf Today, Staff Reporter
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) confirmed that the number of citizens working in the private sector as of July 26, 2023 is more than 80,000.
The Ministry published a chart that includes the statistics of the Emiratisation file in the UAE, and the decisions, programmes and policies that have been implemented during the last two years to support this file, which is a priority for the UAE government.
The ministry said that the number of citizens working in the private sector could reach new targets by the end of 2023.
Last week, the MoHRE announced that it had taken action against 441 private establishments that violated Emiratisation decisions from the second half of 2022 to date.
“436 establishments were fined for false Emiratisation, while five establishments were found to have circumvented Emiratisation targets,” the Ministry added.
It also pointed out that penalties and administrative procedures were imposed on the violating establishments, and the financial benefits provided by the Nafis programme were ceased for falsely appointed UAE nationals.
This comes in line with the implementation of UAE Cabinet Resolution No. 44 of 2023 regarding the amendment of provisions of the Cabinet Resolution No. 95 of 2022 on violations and administrative penalties related to the initiatives and programmes of the Emirati Talent Competitiveness Council (Nafis).
Any violations of Emiratisation decisions are dealt with firmly, the Ministry said, confirming its commitment to achieving the objectives of Emiratisation initiatives and policies, which aim to reinforce the UAE’s human development system, and to engage Emiratis in the national economy.
The violating establishments will be downgraded to the third category, the lowest category in the Ministry’s list. Consequently, they will have to pay higher fees for the Ministry’s service, compared to the fees paid by the first and second categories establishments.