Youth attends Tharoor’s speech with dictionary, netizens speechless - GulfToday

Youth attends Tharoor’s speech with dictionary, netizens speechless

Shashi Tharoor speaks during an event. File

Gulf Today Report

Veteran Congress MP Shahsi Tharoor, who is known for his polished English and his use of unusual words, is once again in the news.

However, this time it is not the politician himself but a person attending his speech with an Oxford dictionary is making waves on internet.

As it has happened many times that when Tharoor speaks, his choice of words send listeners scurrying for dictionary to decipher the meaning of word-bombs he drops while speaking.

Tharoor was addressing the youth at a talk show called the Lungleng Show which was hosted by R Lungleng in Nagaland.

Lungleng after the talk show shared a the video of the session in which a young man was seen with an Oxford dictionary on his lap.

Quite often people joke about Tharoor that one needs to carry a dictionary to understand what the leader is saying.

But to see a man literally carrying a dictionary has put the Internet on fire as the video has garnered millions of views since it was uploaded.

"Someone in Nagaland literally brought Oxford Dictionary to my show to listen to Dr. @ShashiTharoor. Bringing Dictionary along was just a joke statement until I saw this," reads the caption of the post.

Recently the author-politician said that the ruling BJP is suffering with  'allodoxaphobia,', which he explained was an irrational fear of opinions.

The word "Floccinaucinihilipilification," used by Tharoor while discussing about COPVID-19 names with politician KT Rama, also send listeners turning the pages of dictionary.

The definition of the word given in Oxford Dictionary is "the action or habit of estimating something as worthless."

In past phrases like "farrago" and "troglodyte," uttered by the author-politician have also baffled the listeners.



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