Mother changes child’s name after six months as she feels awkward about original choice - GulfToday

Mother changes child’s name after six months as she feels awkward about original choice

Newborn baby 1

Picture used for illustrative purposes.

Naming a child should be easy-peasy for a lot of parents. After all, what’s there in calling your son Alan, Aaqib or Akash? Or your daughter Brenda, Brinda or Benazir? Surely this ought not to rattle anyone’s nerves, least of all the recipient of the name?

Some children however have strange names. In Pakistan, there are kids with names such as Mobile and Computer. Celebrities have even peculiar names for their offspring. Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter is called Apple. Ed Sheeran’s daughter is called Lyra Antarctica Seaborn. Khloe Kardashian’s daughter is called True.

Kylie Jenner’s son was called, hold your breath, Wolf, however she changed it weeks later. This must have been very embarrassing for her.

As embarrassing as what happened to a mother who, six months ago, named her second son Aspen. But decided to change it.

She felt gawky telling people that her child was called Aspen. She told this to her sister who told her to change it if she did not feel good about it.

She just settled on the name on a whim after coming across a Pinterest list, according to the Independent.

Jen Hamilton, 32, said the reaction from people she met when she told them her son’s name was not very favourable, which is why she decided to change his nomenclature.

Along with her husband Brian, 35, she tried out new names before finally settling for Luke, which means light. It suited the kid, as he was always happy and smiley.

Why did she decide to change the name? “People suggested that he might be bullied if it was shortened to ‘Ass’ when he is older and I started to pretend I didn’t hear people asking his name.

So that was the bottom of the story.

She remarked, “Luke knows he was called Aspen for six months. It’s a fun part of his story.”


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