Kuwait orders educational institutions shut amid deluge - GulfToday

Kuwait orders educational institutions shut amid deluge


Rainwater floods a road in Kuwait City following torrential rain on Sunday. AFP

Kuwait will close schools and universities nationwide for a day due to unstable weather conditions, the country's education minister said on Sunday.

All middle and high school exams scheduled for Monday will be postponed, Dr Ali Al Mudhaf said in a statement, giving schools the leeway to rearrange their final exams as they see fit, the dates of which will be released in a ministry statement later on Sunday, according to the Kuwait News Agency.

Flood-Kuwait Rainwater floods a road in Kuwait City following torrential rain. AFP

The day off does not include faculty and staff, who are still required to go to work on Monday, added the statement.

Heavy rains lashed much of Kuwait on Sunday, flooding roads and disrupting traffic across the country.


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