Pakistan marks July 13 as Kashmir Martyrs Day - GulfToday

Pakistan marks July 13 as Kashmir Martyrs Day

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Supporters of All Parties Hurriyat Conference hold a demonstration to mark the 4th death anniversary of Burhan Wani. File/AFP

July 13, 2020 is being marked as Kashmir Martyrs Day in Pakistan with homage being paid to the people of Kashmir, who lost their lives in the revolt against the Dogra dynasty in 1931.

The day is being marked as an opportunity for Pakistan to ponder more on what it calls the ongoing struggle of the people of Kashmir, first during Dogra Maharaja of British colonial rule in the sub-continent 89 years ago and then by the Indian forces.

Pakistan military chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa said the day was declared as national day soon after the birth of India and Pakistan in 1947 and was observed by all sections cutting across political and ideological affiliations.

"Every single drop of blood shed shall not be forgotten nor forgiven," Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) DG Maj-Gen Babar Iftikhar said in a tweet.


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"KashmirMartyrsDay is reminiscent of utmost price paid 4 freedom by brave Kashmiris. Every single drop of blood shed, shall not be forgotten nor forgiven. Decades of Indian atrocities failed 2 suppress insurmountable spirit & legitimate freedom struggle, destined to succeed."

Prime Minister Imran Khan also tweeted, saluting the people of Kashmir for fighting against what he called "illegal and oppressive Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir".

kashmir day protest 1 Activists of Pakistan Youth Forum Kashmir carry photographs of Burhan Wani during a protest against India. AFP

"Today, on the occasion of Kashmir Martyrs' Day, we salute the people of Kashmir for their ongoing struggle against the illegal and oppressive Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. The martyrs of July 13, 1931 were the ancestors of today's Kashmiri resistance," he said.

On the other hand, Sardar Masood Khan, President of Pakistan Administered Kashmir, has written off any chances of table talks between India and Pakistan, owing to India's conduct in Kashmir.

He said: "India has changed dynamics of the area unilaterally. So we would not sit with them around the negotiating table."

Sardar Masood Khan insisted that the issue of Kashmir should not be taken as a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan anymore, adding that the Kashmir issue has been internationalized and multi-lateralized.

"So, I think that we have this new space in the international domain. We should use it, not lose it," he said.

He declared the Simla Agreement between India and Pakistan as redundant because of "unilateral Indian actions in Jammu and Kashmir".

Sardar Masood Khan maintained that Pakistan is ready for a third-party intervention and mediation on Kashmir dispute.

"I think that as citizens of Pakistan, we are ready for the diplomacy of any kind. I believe that the starting point of such diplomacy should be the UNSecurity Council resolutions because these were drawn after prolonged deliberations and should not be set aside.

"Further, the Kashmiris should be associated with any direct or indirect negotiations on Kashmir. They are the real party to the dispute," he added.

Indo-Asian News Service

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