Family says medical student murdered, demands transparent investigation - GulfToday

Family says medical student murdered, demands transparent investigation

Nimrita Amarta Maher Chandani . Twitter photo

After a Pakistani-Hindu girl was found dead in her hostel room, her brother on Wednesday said she was murdered.

The family of Nimrita Amarta Maher Chandani — a BDS final-year student at the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University (SMBBMU) in Larkana on Monday, who was found dead in her hostel room — has refuted earlier reports that the student committed suicide and demanded a "transparent investigation" into the circumstances of her death.

According to media reports, the post-mortem report says that she committed suicide.

Her brother Vishal, who is a medical consultant, said that the preliminary report shows Nimrita was murdered.

"I have seen the body of my sister and all the evidences point that she was murdered," he told the media.

He went on to say that according to hospital officials, Nimrita used a dupatta to hang herself from the ceiling but her neck doesn't have any such marks.

Raising questions on the doctors' honesty, he said the mark on her wrist also points to the fact that it was not a suicide. And, the fan from which she allegedly hanged herself is in good condition.

He demanded that the matter be examined in depth and a judicial committee be constituted.

It comes as no surprise that when news breaks, social media has the quickest reaction and sometimes suggestions too.

Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah has reportedly taken notice and has ordered to provide full support to the family of Nimrita Kumari as police and the committee launches into the investigation of the case.

Celebrities, sports personalities and many users took to social media to express their solidarity and condemn the horrendous act and thus #JusticeForNimrita became a trending topic on Twitter and all other platforms.


Indo-Asian News Service

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