Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group signs cooperation agreement with University of Sharjah in the field of training and rehabilitation - GulfToday

Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group signs cooperation agreement with University of Sharjah in the field of training and rehabilitation


Under this agreement, the group will conduct practical training for university students at Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital in Dubai.

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The University of Sharjah has signed a joint cooperation agreement with Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group, in order to qualify and train students of the faculties of medicine, pharmacy and health sciences.

The local institutions in the country to support the training of their students, where the agreement was signed by Prof. Qutaiba Hamid Al-Hayali, Vice President for Medical Colleges and Health Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, representing the university, and Prof. Dr. Awad Al-Omari, Co-Vice President for Academic and Medical Affairs, representing the group.

Under this agreement, the group will conduct practical training for university students at Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital in Dubai, in order to raise the level of knowledge and skills of students and enable them to apply academic studies in an actual work environment, in addition to exchanging scientific and medical experiences in the design of academic programs, research fields and joint studies, Besides supervising research in scientific, clinical and applied fields, and contributing to professional development and continuing medical education programs.

Professor Awad Al-Omari, Associate Vice President for Academic and Medical Affairs, said that the training programs will, God willing, contribute to raising the students’ efficiency, developing their performance and acquiring many skills through field training at Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital in Dubai, adding that the group has taken it upon itself to support various training programs, and that Based on its scientific, medical and societal responsibilities.

Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group is one of the largest health sectors that has adopted training and rehabilitation programs, as it has a rich and honorable career in this field.

Since its establishment, medical education and training for national cadres is an integral part of its goals and foundations in health care, and among its most prominent training activities Launching “16” fellowship programs in different specialties and “5” diplomas, as well as rehabilitating “2000” health practitioners from “13” universities during the internship period, in addition to its medical training program for internships and health colleges. The group also publishes on Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Magazine as well as launched a scientific award to encourage scientific research.

On the sidelines of signing the agreement, Prof. Dr. Qutaiba Hamid welcomed the attendees and expressed his happiness with this cooperation with Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group, noting that it is one of the leading groups in providing health care according to the highest standards in the Middle East, so that its years of experience can be benefited from. long.

Prof. Dr. Qutaiba added that the University of Sharjah embraces more than 5,000 male and female students, and is ranked among the best institutions in the Arab Gulf region, and includes research institutes and clinical centers equipped at the highest level to serve students and researchers, and through which it offers accredited academic programs locally and internationally.

For his part, Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib, Chairman of the Board of Directors, valued the cooperation with the University of Sharjah, which ranks among the major universities and enjoys a global stature for its high-quality education, adding that the group will employ its expertise and provide all its capabilities to serve students and help them achieve the maximum and desired benefit from training programs, with the aim of improving and development of health services in the country.