VIDEO: Kangaroo flexes its muscles to ‘impress a woman’ - GulfToday

VIDEO: Kangaroo flexes its muscles to ‘impress a woman’


A combo image shows the Kangaroo showing off its muscles.

Gulf Today Report

A woman shared a funny video clip of a kangaroo showing off its muscles on social media platforms.

In the video, which drew a large crowd on TikTok, showed a kangaroo flexing its muscles while it watched a girl behind a netted enclosure.

The girl was videoing the kangaroo.

Jaydereioux who captured the video wrote on TikTok, “Jack loves showing off his huge muscles. He’s a funny guy😂 #KangarooJack #CrocodileEncounter #kangaroo”

It is worth mentioning that some kangaroos, such as Australian Red Kangaroo, are very strong with a height of almost two metres, and a long tail, which maintains their balance during the long jumps.

The environment where kangaroos live requires exceptional muscles, enabling them to defend itself in wildlife.

And one more thing, male kangaroos attract their females by showing off their biceps, a recent study concluded.

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