Katie LaFrance and Dr Catherine Chang on why you must see past the conventional way and take the road less taken - GulfToday

Katie LaFrance and Dr Catherine Chang on why you must see past the conventional way and take the road less taken

Katie LaFrance and Dr Catherine Chang

Katie LaFrance and Dr Catherine.

While there are some tried and true paths to success, the road less traveled can yield even more favorable results. Katie LaFrance & Dr. Catherine Chang realize the conventional route is not for everyone, and missteps can be beneficial rather than a setback. Everyone is different.

Therefore, their journey to success, even their idea of success, is going to vary. Here is a closer look at the concept and how it applies to people.

Learning Styles

People might have the same goals but very different learning styles. Some individuals are academically inclined and thus excel in their educational goals. This education can lead to a solid career path, but some employers look for character and potential rather than a degree.

Hands-on learners or those with an extensive network might build a career based on their skills and who they know. After all, Steve Jobs founded the most valuable company in the world by building computers in his garage. Apple has an unconventional history, but this only added to its brand voice.

Happy Accidents

Sometimes, a person can find success when they are least looking for it. Or they take an unfortunate situation and turn it into a golden opportunity.

Beloved painter Bob Ross once said there are no mistakes, only “happy little accidents.” Katie LaFrance & Dr. Catherine Chang could not agree more, and they encourage people to embrace these accidents. After all, Alexander Fleming found mold growing in his experimental Petri dishes that turned out to be one of history’s most significant medical discoveries:  penicillin.

Taking Control

Katie LaFrance & Dr. Catherine Chang have the utmost respect for people who take control of their lives by choosing their paths. In refusing to follow conventional instruction, they make their own destinies and map out their own path to success.

They hustle, meaning they work hard and multi-task to achieve a goal. And hustle is something that is highly sought after in the business world. This incorporates the previously mentioned different learning styles and can even include happy accidents.

As we are all different, there is no one-size-fits-all road to success. This is why Katie LaFrance & Dr. Catherine Chang encourage people to look past the conventional path and chart out one of their own.

Some people might consider this risky, but the real risk is taking a road you are uncomfortable traveling on. Sometimes, the path less taken is the one people breathe easier on.