A Hungarian confectioner makes chocolate Santa’s with tiny masks to raise the Christmas spirit amid the pandemic - GulfToday

A Hungarian confectioner makes chocolate Santa’s with tiny masks to raise the Christmas spirit amid the pandemic


Chocolate Santas wearing protective face masks are seen.

Niloufar Saleem, Staff Reporter


Christmas is the time to rejoice and celebrate all through the world.


While this year has been a struggle amid the on-going coronavirus pandemic, a confectioner from Hungary, Laszlo Rimoczi, tries to keep the spirit of Christmas alive amongst people.


santa2 Chocolate Santa's are seen in the workshop of the Hungarian confectioner Laszlo Rimoczi.


Laszlo Rimoczi, who has a small workshop started making chocolate Santa’s with little white masks on them.


What started as a light-hearted initiative became a huge hit among people as the orders kept pouring in for them.


santa3 Hungarian confectioner Laszlo Rimoczi poses with chocolate Santa's.


The masks are made with tiny white marzipan strips.

Rimoczi's business - he also makes other chocolate treats and sells them in a small shop in his house - suffered losses as the pandemic hit in March.


santa4 Laszlo Rimoczi works on a chocolate Santa at his workshop.

While the masked Santas have been a boost, he doesn't expect it to last if vaccines help the world defeat the pandemic.

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