How far can cough and sneeze droplets travel? - GulfToday

How far can cough and sneeze droplets travel?

cough 2

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Gulf Today Report

Throughout the pandemic, the health officials stated social distancing keeps you at bay from getting infected by the Covid.

Scientists in their latest research have claimed that a single cough droplet can travel up to 6.6 metres and even further under dry air conditions due to droplet evaporation.

The researchers from Singapore reads: In addition to wearing a mask, social distancing to be generally effective, as droplet deposition is shown to be reduced on a person who is at least one metre from the cough.


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A typical cough emits thousands of droplets across a wide size range.

The researchers revealed that large droplets settle on the ground quikly due to gravity but could travel to one metre by the cough jet even without wind.

Medium-sized droplets could evaporate into smaller droplets, as they are lighter and more easily borne by the wind, and these travelled further.

They also assessed the deposition profile on a person at certain proximity.

The findings are greatly dependent on the environmental conditions, such as wind speed, humidity levels, and ambient air temperature, and based on assumptions made from the existing scientific literature on the viability of the Covid-19 virus.

"While this research focused on outdoor airborne transmission in a tropical context, the scientists plan to apply their findings to assess risk in indoor and outdoor settings where crowds gather, such as conference halls or amphitheaters," the study said.

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