Can you admit when you’re wrong? - GulfToday

Can you admit when you’re wrong?


Being wrong and not wanting to be is the way most people feel. TNS

Barton Goldsmith

No one likes being wrong or wronged.

That being said, we all need to learn to become comfortable with being wrong, because it is impossible to be right all the time. I know that some people think they are, but the truth is that none of us have the right answers all the time (that’s why there’s Google).

Difficult conversations don’t always go the way you’d like them to. Sometimes an apology or a change of mind is appropriate.

If in the process you discover that you misinterpreted what was said or that you were wrong, your best way to save face is to say something like “OMG! I didn’t know that part. This changes things.” The other person will feel that you do understand now. From that moment forward, you can change the direction of the conversation from negative to positive.

If you can’t bring yourself to an apology, please remember that holding a grudge, just because you didn’t get everything you thought you wanted, will only cause more discord. And if the other person is someone you live or work with or see daily, it could create discomfort that can make your life more difficult.

You really don’t need that, and you really can avoid having it happen. Sometimes we wind ourselves up about feeling wronged, and so admitting a mistake can be difficult.

That’s human nature, but if you think about it (without feeling anger), you will see that you are much better off letting go of having to be right than holding on to a toxic emotion that is going to put more darkness around you.

Being wrong and not wanting to be is the way most people feel, but adults should be able to see their mistakes, admit them, and move on. Or you can just play on your own side of the sandbox for the rest of the school year. Yes, it takes a little maturity to own up, but when the other person can respond in a positive manner, that will take away the sting of being wrong.

You will gain a lot of respect and make real friends by being honest about yourself and owning up to mistakes. There are millions of ways to be wrong without beating yourself up about it. Think of it as a rewind or resending a text. Sometimes we just don’t have all the information we need to respond in the best way possible.

People who correct themselves and apologize when necessary have far fewer fallout issues to deal with. According to The Harvard Mental Health Letter, doctors who apologise after they lose a patient in surgery get sued far less often than those who do not. We can’t control everything, and in most cases, feeling uneasy about being wrong is about not having control.

So take a look at how you respond when you need to correct yourself or when someone does it for you. If you actually thank the other person for giving you the right information, you will find that you have strengthened your relationship. You will also discover more strength within yourself.

Tribune News Service

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