ADIHEX helps you engage with culture and upgrade on heritage - GulfToday

ADIHEX helps you engage with culture and upgrade on heritage


The UAE flag is held proudly by horse riders.

Muhammad Yusuf, Features Writer

The ongoing programmes of the 20th edition of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2023), organised by Emirates Falconers Club at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (Sept. 2 – 8) under the slogan ‘Sustainability and Heritage in a Renewed Spirit’ is seeing equestrian shows from the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman, and the performance of Indian and African art groups.

Fascinating events being held in the show arena include the Arabian Saluki Beauty Contest organised by the Emirates Falconers Club and the Arabian Saluki Centre, the Arabian Camel Auction in co-operation with the Advanced Scientific Group, plus heritage shows organised by the Emirates Arabian Horse Association.

There is also a joint presentation by the International Kennel Federation about different breeds of dogs, and to explain their types, performance and fitness. The art of fencing from horseback, shooting, traditional archery and traditional archery on horseback, are also among the highlights in the show arena, in cooperation with Kaber Stables and the Mamlouk Shooting Company. Tshouleeb is the traditional Emirati horse performance accompanied by poetic tunes and is part of Emirati heritage. The rider performs individually or with a group of riders to the melody of improvised verses and music that blend with the movements of the horses. It is meant to instil a spirit of warlike enthusiasm among riders, to repel the enemy.


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The traditional Omani horse show is considered a distinctive folk art. It includes the entry of male and female knights on horseback, the Humble and Tahurib segments and the Hashma gallop segment, reflecting the heritage of the Sultanate. Indian traditional dances include a variety of Indian performances, such as Indian classical and folk dance. Visitors learn about Indian culture, its richness and diversity. A group of drummers play different types of African drums, highlighting the performing arts of Africa. The audience is more often than not found keeping time with what is happening before them! It is of course a way to experience African life, its music and culture.

Archery with a bow and arrow requires focus, strength and determination. The UAE Bow and Arrow Federation offers this activity at ADIHEX for professionals and amateurs alike. It is a challenging sport, but helps one gain etiquette, learn to be calm and focused, besides being a workout for the mind and body. Kaber and Mamlouk Shooting Stables offers a model in the practice of equestrian archery, which includes the use of the traditional bow and arrow on horseback. A Gymkhana event is organised for children of determination, in cooperation between the Dhabyan Equestrian Club, Sports Academy and the All of us with People of Determination Association (AWPOD). It includes demonstrations given by professionals about the benefits of equine-assisted therapy for people of determination.

ADIHEX 2  Falcons wait patiently for their masters’ attention.

A bird show, presented by a trainer who interacts with the birds, sees them flying in formation with practised movements, perform tricks and interacting with the audience. It is a great edutainment experience, and an ideal opportunity to learn more about different species of birds and their habits! A dedicated section spotlighting the art of crafting handmade saddles sees participants from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Oman, Egypt and Syria. They introduce the public to the beauty of this age-old craft, deeply rooted in tradition and history.

Emirati artist Saggaf Abdillah Al Hashmi brings a lifelong dedication to art and a background in business management to his creative pursuits. His passion for art has led him to focus on depicting leaders and horses, echoing the inspirational words of the nation’s leaders. The artist’s deep affection for portraying horses, with their graceful shapes and muscular movements, is evident in his work. An artistic tribute is also displayed to the profound connection between Emiratis and Arabian horses. A group of Emirati amateur painters contribute to ADIHEX with paintings and artworks that celebrate the beauty and purity of the noble animals.

Participating in Fayoonah Kids World is Teeb Al Barri, a dedicated mother to her two talented children, Alfai and Hamad. What makes this family’s story extraordinary is the remarkable achievements of the siblings at very tender ages. Alfai Almarzooqi, only four years old, is the youngest published author with his children’s book titled The Lost Rabbit. Three-year-old Hamad AlMarzooqi has carved a unique niche for himself as the youngest slime chef. His passion for creating colourful and fun slime has garnered enviable attention. Tiana Fine Art debuts at ADIHEX 2023 with its exhibition of the The Oriental Wind collection. Here artist Tetiana Kruchynina welcomes the audience to witness her artistic creations. Kruchynina specialises in the decorative arts, blending traditional artistic traditions with a modern approach. Her career includes illustrating five books; her art pieces find homes in private collections both in Ukraine and elsewhere. In 2022, she embarked on a new chapter in the UAE, working under the pseudonym Tiana.

Each year, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi extends an invitation to Palestine, inviting them to share their rich culture, heritage, cuisine and more. In the spotlight this year was the theme of sustainability, as emphasised by Saed L. Shomali, a renowned wildlife photographer. Saed has devoted his efforts to raising awareness about Palestinian wildlife, with a particular focus on the avian wonders of the region. An author of ten books, each is dedicated to meticulously documenting the diverse and captivating birdlife that thrives in the lands of Palestine, inspiring conservation efforts.

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