Charul Chaturvedi Jaitly’s first solo book will win a caravan of readers - GulfToday

Charul Chaturvedi Jaitly’s first solo book will win a caravan of readers

Charul Chaturvedi 2

Charul signs a copy of her book.

Raghib Hassan, Staff Reporter

Friday mornings, usually considered calm and quiet interludes in Dubai following the routine hyper buzz of the emirate during the rest of the week, was buzzing unusually with bibliophiles last Friday at the ballroom of Taj Hotel.

Aficionados of the written word, invited guests and professionals from all walks of life, had assembled there to listen to a Dubai-based Indian author, Charul Chaturvedi Jaitly, give out her vibes and grab a copy of her maiden book — which could indeed be a very inspiring game changer for those who want to reset their buttons for the betterment of their lives. Charul’s journey, literary or otherwise, is an amazing panorama of how much one person can do so in a short span of time. An epitome of grace, humility and resiliency, not to speak of friends maintained through the years, the presence at the event of her former boss, college mates from India and that of former colleagues, clearly indicated that she is deeply rooted in her life and holds her relationships precious, despite the many successes of her life. 

Charul is a co-founder and managing partner of Matiti Group — but that is only one of the hats she wears. She is a successful businesswoman, inspirational leader, environment supporter, multi-award winner, social media influencer, podcaster, content creator, and mindfulness coach. She is also the winner of Mrs UAE International 2021. 


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Co-author of “Who Moved My Heels” and “Eves Against the Odds,” Charul’s third book “Eye to Eye with I” is her first solo book as author. Born in India, she has travelled to over 40 countries, studied in UK, lived in Caribbean, spent several years in Canada, and has been a resident of UAE for almost two decades. With cabinets filled with trophies, articles in numerous publications and radio interviews, Charul’s professional journey looks smooth as silk. But it is only when you read her book — or even glance through it — that you realise the hard work she has put in to be where she is today.

A very successful professional, Charul wants to share her journey with the world. Early on, she realised that ups and downs of life can be an inspiration for many, including her; and that’s how “Eye to Eye with I” was birthed. Talking to Gulf Today about her book, she said: “This book is my life story. It is non-fiction and is a real story. Though it may be 350 pages long, it is a very simple and easy read. It is all about my experiences and my struggles and what allowed me to become what I am today, which consists of lots of failures, lots of falling down and picking oneself up.”

Charul Chaturvedi 1  Charul’s first solo book ‘Eye to Eye with I’ was released on Friday morning in Dubai. Photos: Kamal Kassim/Gulf Today

“The purpose of this book is to bring spirituality into corporate life. So my effort is in the direction of bringing those principles of spirituality into the world of corporates where big decisions are made. Specifically, I want to focus on CEOs, VPs, politicians and government officials, who make the decisions that affect us all. Perhaps it could be a beacon of enlightenment for them.” Charul added that “though this is my first solo book, I have written two co-authored books also. But this one is very special for me.”

“After winning the Mrs UAE International title in Dec. 2021,” she underlined, “two publishers approached me. They wanted me to talk about my journey. I had survived a nine-hour-long surgery 40 days before I won the Mrs UAE Pageant! There was lots of drama going on and against all odds, my life rewarded me for enduring that pain and gifted me with the crown which I took home. That allowed me to contribute to leading newspapers and magazines in the UAE and moved publishers to talk about my story.”

When asked how she manages to wear so many hats at a time with admirable ease, she said: “It is the application of all those spiritual tricks that I talk about which have allowed me to stay grounded, and allowed me to be the creative outlier in whichever group I am in. This has given me the energy levels that I need to achieve what I set out to do. And if you think I am done it all — my list is really long and I hope to continue to raise the bar.”

When asked about her target audience she said that it was “anybody who wants to be a better version of themselves, anybody who wants to improve the way they lead their life and most importantly, anybody who wants to know themselves better. Because, as the title says, it is “Eye to Eye with I” and nobody else but “I”. It is me asking you to take a journey inwards.”

Praising UAE, she said that “the UAE is a beautiful land of opportunities for everyone.  It has enabled all of us to fulfil our dreams. Leadership here is so inspiring. They have created a society which is inclusive, women-friendly and which is safe. I have lived here for the longest time and I could not have felt safer anywhere else. Thank you UAE, for allowing me to soar and soar high.”

Charul is a born author. The way her book flows from the first page to the last page has no bumps; it is as comforting as the Dubai-Abu Dhabi expressway. You can finish the entire book in one session without being distracted and without realising you have come to the end of 350 pages. That’s the kind of writer Charul is, and those who want to be writers, should be.

The way she has summed up her spiritual journey in the book is concise and believable. It could have only come from authentic experience. While reading the book, we get a feel that we are travelling along with her. The way the writer has planned every chapter of the book is worth a second or third — or multiple — looks. Though “Eye to Eye with I” is admittedly her first solo book, she comes out like a seasoned writer who knows how to catch the reader’s attention and imagination and clasp them tightly.

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