VIDEO: Climate activists throw flour on Andy Warhol artwork in Milan - GulfToday

VIDEO: Climate activists throw flour on Andy Warhol artwork in Milan


Visitors look at an exhibit covered in flour after climate activists threw on it in Milan, Italy. Reuters

Gulf Today Report

"Last Generation" climate activists throw 8 kilos of flour on a car painted by pop art icon Andy Warhol in an exhibition in Milan.

The activists did so to raise the alarm on climate change, before being tackled and detained by security.

Immediately afterwards, two of them glued themselves to the car windows, while the rest of the group blew up paint balloons on the ground.

The car was a prized BMW.

According to social media videos, four activists from the Last Generation movement sprinkled 8 kilograms of flour on the car, which is of the 1979 model, and is displayed in the Fabrica del Vapor Cultural Centre, which is currently hosting a retrospective exhibition on the famous "Pop Art" arts.

People present at exhibition were astonished while others were trying to clean up the work, according to photos published by the movement and news websites.

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