Mutual trade between Germany and Dubai grew 13.2% in the last ten years (2011-2020) from Dhs21.7 billion to Dhs24.6 billion. Data for the last year revealed that imports from Germany had the lion’s share at Dhs20.6 billion, followed by re-exports at Dhs2.57 billion and exports at Dhs1.38 billion.
Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, Director General of Dubai Customs held a videoconferencing meeting with a German delegation headed by Holger Mahnicke, German Consul General to Dubai to discuss means of enhancing mutual economic cooperation and trade between Dubai and Germany, the role of Dubai Customs in supporting supply chain and the customs facilities provided.
The two sides covered major matters including the stimulus packages launched by the Federal Government and Dubai Government to support the business activity and to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. They also talked about the measures taken by Dubai Customs to back the global supply chain and the business and trade groups in Dubai.
The meeting was attended by Oliver Oehms- head of the German Emirati Joint Council for Industry & Commerce, Ms. Nadja Hundt- German Custom Liaison Officer and a number of Dubai Customs directors and heads of departments. The meeting is part of a series of regular meetings Dubai Customs organizes to develop its relationships with the foreign business sector as part of Ertibat initiative, which Dubai Customs launch to enhance ties with foreign diplomatic missions and businesses.
 In his speech, Musabih highlighted the solid relationships between Germany and the UAE in all fields, including trade, especially after the signing of the free trade agreement between the GCC countries and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
Musabih added that there are 300 German companies operating in Dubai. He expressed optimism about the future of the economic and trade sector in the UAE, with the UAE prepared to host major international events including EXPO 2020.