Famous relationships | Sarah Taryam - GulfToday

Famous relationships

Sarah Taryam


Writer, show Jumper, nature lover, fitness enthusiast and the Arts Editor of Gulf Today


Penelope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem. File/ AFP

Over the years we have seen plenty examples of actors falling for each other while filming a movie or TV show. This week we are taking a look at some of those couples who have gone the distance and lasted together, as well as the ones whose relationships have fizzled out.

Actress Penelope Cruz first met her husband Javier Bardem on the set of “Jamon Jamon” in 1992, but it wasn’t until 2008 when they crossed paths again while filming “Vicky Christina Barcelona” that they became a couple. They got married in 2010 and have two children together. They are quite private about their relationship and family which is probably why they have lasted so long together.

However, privacy is not the only formula for a lasting relationship. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith met while auditioning for “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” in 1994. They got married in 1997 and have two children who are in the entertainment industry themselves. This couple have been open and vocal about relationship struggles and their techniques to keeping their marriage going for so long.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, more likely known as Edward and Bella from “Twilight,” were not together for very long after Stewart was photographed with her “Snow White” director Rupert Saunders. He was also married at the time which made the whole situation much worse. Pattinson and Stewart split for good in 2013.

In other news this week, turn to our Sound Mind page to learn how you can use nature and being outdoors to help with mental health. We can use nature to get away from “all the noise.” It is a place where we can reflect and recharge. We are lucky with this beautiful weather we have right now and should make the most of it.

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