Unite to help - GulfToday

Unite to help


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The proliferation of COVID cases in China is terribly alarming. The country has been garnering a million cases per day, in some parts of the country. COVID is the common enemy of mankind. No country can be isolated from the disease. This disease does not recognise national boundaries. It can spread anywhere and everywhere.

Unless COVID is controlled in China, it can easily spread to other neighbouring countries, including India. This proliferation would be a disaster. The world is just about recovering from the 2019 to 2021 COVID attacks, and now, we have a new conflagration in China.

The world should unite to help China to fight the COVID menace in China. Nations should flood China with vaccines, medicines, medical equipment, oxygen, oxygen concentrators, to help the ordinary Chine people. Human lives are vital, in every country, irrespective of nationality or religion.

The world must do its best to save as many human lives as possible, in China. The West and India make excellent vaccines to fight COVID. These should be air-rushed to help the Chinese people.

These should be donated free to the Chinese people. This is not the time for ideological grandstanding. The bottom-line is, that ordinary Chinese citizens are losing their lives, due to COVID.

We must stand by them. Governments can always have differences and issues. Ordinary Chinese citizens must not suffer or pay the price of these ideological competitions. Governments can continue to be combative; however if countries like the USA and India, simply fly-down aeroplanes of vaccines for the Chinese people, the kindness will never be forgotten and will generate goodwill.

Rajendra Aneja, Mumbai

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