Hong Kong crisis - GulfToday

Hong Kong crisis

Hong Kong Unrest

Protesters hold placards as they march in a demonstration in Hong Kong against a controversial extradition bill. Reuters

The point of the narrative about Hong Kong and it’s healthcare is lost on me. Perhaps it is my warped perspective that doesn’t allow me to see the coherence of the flow of thought in the ensuing paragraphs (‘Hong Kong’s trauma – with pain and loss – is deep’, Aug. 19, Gulf Today).

The author simultaneously says “And now the wounding purportedly extends to the institutions that service the wounded. Hospitals have been drawn into the fray, with allegations that patient-protesters’ confidential data has been disclosed to the authorities.”

And in the same breath it says “There aren’t many places in the world like Hong Kong that offer its residents such excellent medical treatment. The territory’s public health system (however strapped) and the dedicated people who work in it sum up Hong Kong’s uniqueness — as well as its contradiction as a place where rampant capitalism coexists with state-sponsored health”.

I’m not sure whether the author is trying to glorify Hong Kong’s healthcare system or find fault with its current situation. But whatever it is, I admire the solidarity of the citizens of Hong Kong. I admire that they are the voice of all those of us in all parts of the world who are too afraid to speak when faced with the same scenario. Salute to them.

Abilasha D
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