Eat right, save planet - GulfToday

Eat right, save planet

Eat right, save climate

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How many of us know that what we eat is contributing to climate change. And that our love for steaks and burgers is driving the environment crazy. Should we not change our eating pattern, global warming will eventually leave us hungry (“Countries should ensure sustainable land use”, Aug. 8, Gulf Today).

That is shocking. I too was taken aback when I read the report. I would have ignored if it was an article written by a vegan or dietician. But when I found out that it was the findings penned in a United Nations report, I knew it was serious business.

It indeed is a clarion call to us all. We in the developed world who care less what we eat and how much food we waste. As for food wastage, the figures are criminal. It is estimated that globally some 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted each year. A reduction in that shocking figure presents what the UN Habitat agency calls “an enormous opportunity for tackling food insecurity.”

And for sustainable eating, NASA climate scientist Cynthia Rosenzweig, a co-author of the UN report, suggests that if people change their diets, reducing red meat and increasing plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and seeds, the world can save as much as another 15% of current emissions by mid-century. I am taking baby steps in that direction. And it feels good. Care to join me?

Carmen Rodrigues
By email

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