Know your aptitude! - GulfToday

Know your aptitude!


Students during an assignment in the classroom.

Board exams have ended! Summer has begun! The high school students are in hurry burry managing their routine, running errands from school to extra classes. Some must have already decided the career time line after high school, while other students are in dual minds about career options.

Well, to all those high school students who are still confused, there is no need to worry as I have a simple solution. Students of this age group experience a tough time in choosing the career field. The solution for this is a psychometric test which will analyze the student’s knowledge, interest and personality. It is also called as an aptitude test where the exact liking and suitable career field based on his personality is suggested in the report.

Unlike the typical school tests, this aptitude assessment will have interesting sections such as personality test, interest inventory, verbal reasoning to name a few. Psychometric tests are a scientific method to determine the behavior pattern and logical style of a student. The report is typically generated on the MBTI Personality indicator. There are numerous videos available online on 16 MBTI personality types. So are you ready to take an aptitude test?

Sanika Dixit, Dubai

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