Abu Dhabi Food Safety Authority confirms Bon Tum mayonnaise product is not available in the emirate - GulfToday

Abu Dhabi Food Safety Authority confirms Bon Tum mayonnaise product is not available in the emirate

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Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) has confirmed that Bon Tum’s “Mayonnaise” product is not present in the markets of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and has not entered through its ports, following thorough monitoring and investigation by its inspection teams.

Additionally, control measures have been intensified at Abu Dhabi’s entry points to ensure that the product does not enter unless its safety and compliance with specifications are verified.

ADAFSA assures consumers in the emirate that it is taking all necessary measures to prevent any unsafe or unhealthy products from entering Abu Dhabi markets. ADAFSA’s actions are based on technical regulations, systems, and legislation, all of which are based on scientific principles and international references. These regulations are regularly reviewed and updated in line with the latest developments.

ADAFSA stressed the importance of consumer confidence in the quality of food sold in local markets, whether locally produced or imported. All food products in circulation are subject to strict controls throughout the supply chain.

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