118 new private companies join Emiratisation programme within a week - GulfToday

118 new private companies join Emiratisation programme within a week


The programme emphasised that it is working to increase Emiratisation rates in the private sector.

Emadeddin Khalil, Staff Reporter

As many as 118 institutions and companies affiliated with the private sector joined the Emirati Competitiveness Programme Nafis during the past week, bringing the total number of companies joining the programme until Sunday, to 11,250 companies to offer thousands of multiple jobs for Emiratis.

The companies joining the Nafis platform work in various fields to offer various jobs to citizens through the website “www.nafis.gov.ae”, and it provides the opportunity for citizens to learn about job vacancies in the private sector, and opportunities for vocational training while working in it, and also enables employers to finding suitable national cadres to fill their job vacancies.

These companies also benefit from salary support for employees and discounts on pensions.

The programme called on private sector companies to register through the platform, by downloading the digital identity application, creating an account for companies, then authenticating the Emirates ID and verifying personal information.

It also called on citizens looking for work to quickly update their data on the platform, to take advantage of available job opportunities, and facilitate the process of automatic matching between the qualifications and experience of the job seeker and the jobs offered, and all the other advantages offered by the Nafis platform.

The vacancies offered by the companies joining the programme include education, accommodation and food service activities, finance and insurance, construction, waste water and waste management, mining and quarrying, agriculture, forestry and fishing, human health and social work activities, information and communications, and the supply of electricity, gas, air conditioning, arts, entertainment, public administration and defence, real estate market activities, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, transportation and warehousing, administrative and support services activities, professional scientific and technical activities.

The programme emphasised that it is working to increase Emiratisation rates in the private sector, as it requires establishments with 50 employees or more to achieve a growth of 1% of Emiratisation in skilled jobs every 6 months, indicating that adherence to the required Emiratisation rates provides many advantages that contribute to raising the company’s competitiveness and the advancement of its business, such as its inclusion in the first category within the establishment classification system used by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, and granting it membership in the Emiratisation Partners Club, which enables it to obtain discounts of up to 80% on the Ministry’s services.

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