No wildcat or jaguar in Springs 3, say Dubai Police - GulfToday

No wildcat or jaguar in Springs 3, say Dubai Police


A combo image shows the ‘cat’ escaping a garden.

Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

The Dubai Police announced that their search and tracking efforts over the past two days confirmed that the animal that appeared in a video clip as a free wild cat in a residential community in Dubai was nothing but a pet cat.

Reassuring the public and residents of the residential area of the Springs 3, the Dubai Police said they were fully sure that the animal that appeared in the video was not a jaguar but merely a black cat.

The police came to this conclusion after seeking the help of trained specialists and wildlife experts, who examined the video clip and the place where the animal appeared and confirmed there was no evidence indicating the presence of a wild cat in the Springs 3 area as well as all the surrounding areas.

The Dubai Police had earlier taken all necessary measures to provide the utmost safety for the residents of the area in which a wild cat was supposed to be seen and all the surrounding areas, adding that it was clear that the information was incorrect.

Dubai Police called on the public to investigate carefully and verify the news from the source before circulating news, pictures or videos that would spark rumors and negatively affect the society.

Dubai residents in the Springs 3 area on Tuesday claimed to have spotted a jaguar or a panther escaping a garden area.

Several social media posts indicate the presence of an extremely large black cat which some said is a jaguar.

Lebanese resident Noha said on Twitter, “Not something I ever thought to tell people but apparently there is a jaguar loose in the Springs neighbourhood area in #dubai…

"Not the car. The animal. Only in Dubai I guess. Tell your friends in the area I guess?”

Noha also said, “Someone Whatsapped it to me! This is not my video — it’s been forwarded so many times. No idea what to make of this.

Is it really a Jaguar/panther? Is it a humongous black cat? Is it a bird? Is it a plane?”

A vet said that the creature appeared to be a young black leopard or panther.

The authorities have been informed and a team has been combing the area for the cat.


However, they are investigating the incident but urged everyone to remain indoors in case the animal is on the loose.

Dubai Police also said bringing out any kind of wild animal into a public environment is strictly prohibited under the emirate’s laws, and violators can face a jail term of up to six months in addition to severe financial penalties. Dubai Police also urged the public to call 999 if they spot the animal.

Social media has been on fire with the news of the wild animal at large.

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