Video of a weird creature wandering in a Florida garden sparks ‘dinosaur’ speculation - GulfToday

Video of a weird creature wandering in a Florida garden sparks ‘dinosaur’ speculation


An image taken from a videograb shows the weird creature.

Gulf Today Report

A woman Christina Ryan from Palm Coast, Florida, has posted a video clip and pictures of a creature she thought was a "small dinosaur" running around in her backyard.

Insisting that the video proves her claims truth she says that she photographed a velociraptor, a type of fast, predatory dinosaur, while wandering about her garden in the middle of the night during the weekend.

A Fox 35 report said that the video footage shows a prehistoric creature, and it appears to be an animal with two feet and a long tail that resembles a reptile rushing through Ryan's yard at about 3:40am on Saturday.

The clip caused a sensation on social media, as followers tried to determine exactly what the security surveillance cameras captured.

But for the homeowner, Ryan, she said she was convinced that what she saw was an animal from the Jurassic period, historically known as the Age of Reptiles, or the Age of Giant Dinosaurs.

For some viewers of the clip, it is possible that the creature was a type of lizard, or even a dog.

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